Ethanol Co-Products Used For Livestock Feed NASS

Distillers grains or corn gluten feed are co-products created during the production of ethanol, and can be used as feed for livestock. NASS collaborated with the Nebraska Corn Development, Utilization & Marketing Board, an agency of the State of Nebraska, to conduct a survey of livestock producers in 12 Midwestern States to determine current usage of distillers grains, essential feed characteristics and concerns keeping producers from using distillers grains. The probability based survey contacted approximately 9,400 operations comprised of beef (cow/calf and feedlot), dairy, and swine species for information on their use of co-products, preferences in color, type of co-products fed, ratings of co-products, and/or reasons for not using co-products. The study included North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois with a reference data of calendar year 2006. The National Agricultural Statistics Service is publishing the results at the regional level, combining all states surveyed for each of the four livestock species. Most of the estimates are proportions or percentages which allow for statistical comparisons among operations not feeding distillers grains.

Frequency of Release:Not Specified


Jun 29, 2007
Contact office name:National Agricultural Statistics Service