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National Agricultural Statistics Service
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NASS Turkey Breeder Hens
Description: This publication provides data on the number of turkey breeder hens owned by turkey breeder and flock owners nationwide. State data shows the percent of heavy and light breeds held at the beginning of the season from 1955 to 1970. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: breeding season, flocks, turkey hens, and turkeys Latest Release: Sep 18, 1970 Sep 18, 1970: Turkey Breeder Hens Release datetime: Sep 18, 1970 -
NASS Tart Cherry Report
Description: This publication was produced from 1967 to 1970 and provides information about the production and utilization of sour and tart cherries in the U.S. The total crop per tonnes used for processing (canned, frozen, brined) is also included. From 1964-1966, the same information was presented in the Sour Cherry Report. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: cherries, fruits, production functions, and sales Latest Release: Jun 19, 1970 Jun 19, 1970: Tart Cherry Report Release datetime: Jun 19, 1970 -
Description: The U.S. Department of Agriculture has collected statistical data related to the refrigerated warehousing industry since 1914. Published monthly in the Cold Storage report are data on the quantities of various food commodities stored in refrigerated facilties at the close of each month. In addition, a survey of refrigerated warehouse capacity is made biennially to determine the amount of gross and net space, by temperature range, in public, private, and semiprivate facilities. This publicatio... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: refrigeration, refrigerators, and warehouses Latest Release: Apr 1, 1970 Apr 1, 1970: Directory of Refrigerated Warehouses Release datetime: Apr 1, 1970 -
Description: This publication was produced between 1964 and 1970 and included data on the annual summary of egg and layer production. Total numbers of eggs produced, by number of layers on average, are reported by month for the U.S. In 1971, the data began being published with the title Layers and Egg Production. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: eggs and laying hens Latest Release: Mar 4, 1970 Mar 4, 1970: Chickens and Eggs: Layers, Potential Layers, Rate of Lay and Egg Production Release datetime: Mar 4, 1970 -
Description: This publication presents monthly and quarterly estimates of the number of milk cows in production, the production of milk per cow, and total milk production by state for the years 1988 to 1992. Annual estimates for the total number of operations with milk cows, disposition, and income by farm are also provided. Estimates contained in this publication provide a historic record and benchmark for current estimates. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Animals and Animal Products:Dairy Keyword: dairy cows, dairy farming, milk, milking rate, and prices -
Description: This publication was produced between 1977 and 1983 and provides information about the production, disposition, income, and value of broilers, eggs, turkeys, and chickens. It 1984, it was continued under the title Poultry Production, Disposition, and Income and in 1986, the title changed again to Poultry Production and Value. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: broiler chickens, chickens, eggs, poultry, and turkeys -
NASS Hatchery Production
Description: This full-text file reports U.S. commercial hatchery data on number of broiler-type and egg-type chicks hatched, monthly, major states and U.S.; number of eggs in incubators on the first of each month by region and U.S.; broiler chicks placed and eggs set by weeks for the 15 selected states; turkey poults placed and turkey eggs in incubators by region and U.S. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: chicks, eggs, flocks, hatcheries, production, and supply Latest Release: Dec 17, 1969 Dec 17, 1969: Hatchery Production Release datetime: Dec 17, 1969 -
Description: This monthly publication provides information about the production of pullet chicks for broiler hatchery supply flocks from 1964 to 1969. Data includes the chicks sold during the month, as well as the number of chicks expected from eggs that were sold during the preceding month. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: broiler chickens, chicks, eggs, and hatcheries Latest Release: Dec 16, 1969 Dec 16, 1969: Pullet Chicks for Broiler Hatchery Supply Flocks Release datetime: Dec 16, 1969 -
Description: This publication was produced from 1953 to 1969 and provides information on the number of turkeys and chickens tested for pullorum disease. In 1970, the Eggs, Chickens and Turkeys publication continued to present this information each quarter. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Safety and Injury and Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: chickens, disease detection, pullorum disease, and turkeys Latest Release: Oct 21, 1969 Oct 21, 1969: Turkeys and Chickens Tested Release datetime: Oct 21, 1969 -
Description: This publication presents data on the stocker and feeder cattle, calves and sheep shipped and received from public stockyards. This monthly publication was produced from 1964 to 1969 and was discontinued February 27, 1969. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Livestock Keyword: calves, cattle, feedlots, and sheep Latest Release: Feb 27, 1969 Feb 27, 1969: Shipments of Stocker and Feeder Cattle and Sheep Release datetime: Feb 27, 1969